Sunday 24 July 2011

Religious concerns and beliefs, ethical concerns

Religious concerns and beliefs
cows given more potent GM growth hormones could suffer from health problems related to growth or metabolism and lastly, new GM organisms could be patented so that 'life' itself could become commercial property through patenting. Usually, ministers, vegetarians and others will be found on either both sides of the debate regarding foods that were modified contain genes from animals or species that are prescribed by various religions. (Parker, 2003)

Ethical concerns

Crops are modified to provide immunization against common types of diseases, and crops are able to withstand particular growing conditions such as drought and soil acidity. Surpassing the benefits of GM crops could be counterproductive from an environmental associated with conventional agriculture.  GM crops can limit the need of chemical inputs such as pesticides, herbicide and fertilizers and can prevents further soil erosion and loss of moisture in vulnerable areas by reducing the need for ploughing (parker, 2003)

~liwen helped to post

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