Tuesday 21 June 2011

Why GM Food? (Part I)

Hi Everyone!

As i was reading through more about GM food to work on our report, i found some interesting benefits of why people prefer GM food. The people who will prefer and benefit the most from GM food are mainly the farmers and the supplier. Here are some of the reasons why?

  • Saves the use of toxic chemicals! GM crops can be made resistant to pests, so pesticides do not need to be sprayed on them. In turn, save production cost. $$$
  • Prevents wasted crops. If pests cannot eat the crops, nothing goes to waste. Therefore, farmers make more money! $$$$
  • Increase yield / production. Thus farmers makes more profit! $$$$$
Now, the next questions, how about consumers like us?

  • Increase food variety & availability. GM food can grow at a varitey of climate. thus,farmers can begin to grow foods in different conditions. For instance, strawberries can be genetically engineered to grow in frosts. Other foods that grow in cold climates could be engineered to grow in hot climates (such as Africa where much of the continent does not have enough food).

  • Did you know that heirloom tomatoes (left) are what tomatoes originally look like without genetic modification?

  • Increase nutritional value. Some foods can be genetically modifies to contain higher amounts of important vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A deficiencies cause blindness. In Africa, 500,000 go blind each year. If rice can be modified to contain more vitamin A, the amount of people going blind will decrease.

  • Purple & yellow Cauliflower rich in antioxidants! :D

    Heart- shape watermelon! :D
     Updating soon, Stay tune for more on "Why GM Food?" (Part II) :D


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